It's the Tooth: Dentists Can Help You With Much More Than Just Your Pearly Whites

Dentist Blog

Making the decision whether to consult a dentist or doctor is usually simple enough: dentists for mouth problems, and doctors for everything else. However, what you may not know is that your dentist knows a lot more about your general health than you're probably prepared to give him/her credit for. Your mouth can reveal a startling amount of information about the rest of your body, and listed below are a few additional ways that your dentist may be able to keep you healthy aside from scraping your pearly whites clean.

15 April 2015

How Dentures Are Made

Dentist Blog

Dentures are false teeth that are custom-designed to replace missing teeth. Dentures can restore and improve the original appearance of the teeth. They are also fully functional and can do all the things that normal teeth can. Dentures can be either permanent or temporary. If you are wondering how dentures are made, the following sums up the rather complex process and what you should expect during the procedure. Assessment and impression stage

17 March 2015

Tips To Ensure Durability With Your Implants

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are meant to last. They are resistant to your daily routine and do not experience any wear or tear. However, these implants require maintenance just like teeth to keep them at their optimum conditions, and leaving them unattended can lead to their ruin. Here are some maintenance tips once you have performed such a cosmetic dentistry procedure. Thorough cleaning Dental implants can suffer the same fate as your regular teeth and can be affected by the same kinds of diseases that affect the natural teeth.

17 February 2015

Four Ways Your Dentist Can Make Over Your Smile

Dentist Blog

Trying to reinvent yourself and give your look a complete makeover may include your smile. In fact, you likely have the same issues that others do with their smile. You have discolouring, gaps or crooked teeth that just don't live up to the smile that you want. If you are looking for a way to makeover your smile and give you those perfect pearly whites you've always wanted, consider the ways that your dentist can help.

20 January 2015