
Restoring Your Smile After Crystal Meth Addiction: What You Need to Know

Dentist Blog

Crystal methamphetamine, generally just referred to as crystal meth or ice, is fairly prevalent in Australia. In fact, it has been suggested that Australia has one of the highest rates of crystal meth usage in the world. It's an illicit drug that is highly addictive and is disastrous to a person's physical and mental health. If you are in the process of breaking your addiction, you may find yourself attempting to undo the physical damage caused by the drug, and your dental health will need to be addressed.

24 February 2021

A Guide to Braces

Dentist Blog

It is not uncommon for individuals, especially in their young and young adult years, to experience crooked or misaligned teeth. Crooked teeth are those that have rotated and are facing a different direction. Misaligned teeth, on the other hand, are in the form of overbites, underbites or crossbites. An overbite is when your upper jaw and teeth seem to be positioned more towards the front than the lower jaw and teeth, meaning that if you bite down, the lower teeth bite behind your upper teeth.

22 January 2021

Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Dentures

Dentist Blog

You may already know that dentures are used to treat missing teeth, but you might have some questions about certain things. Here are answers to some of these questions to help you get to understand dentures better: Is a Getting Dentures Painful? No, it is not. During your first dental visit, your dentist will examine your mouth and talk to you about various missing teeth treatment methods. The dentist may also need to verify that you don't have any underlying dental conditions; if you do, he or she can provide treatment for those first.

9 December 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Root Canals

Dentist Blog

A root canal is a type of dental treatment for decaying teeth, especially when the decay has reached the pulp cavity. The pulp cavity is the part of your tooth that houses the nerves and blood vessels, meaning that if tooth decay has reached this part, you will most likely be in pain and have minor bleeding and swelling. Here's everything you need to know about root canals. How Tooth Decay Occurs

23 October 2020

5 Reason Why Your Dentist May Recommend a Tooth Extraction

Dentist Blog

While tooth extractions are unpleasant, they are sometimes inevitable. Through any oral problems, the dentist will prioritize saving your tooth. However, if the treatment options don't succeed, the next option is tooth extraction. If the tooth is a baby tooth, then there's little to no negative consequence of extracting the tooth, since it gives room for the permanent tooth to grow in. However, if your tooth is permanent, the case changes.

19 August 2020

4 Injuries You Can Avoid By Wearing a Custom-Made Sports Mouthguard

Dentist Blog

When you take part in sports, you run the risk of injury. This is true whether you play contact sports like rugby or non-contact sports like tennis. And one area of your body that is especially vulnerable to injury is your head. A fall or collision can send you straight to the hospital or dentist for urgent medical or dental care. A sports mouthguard can protect you from some of the injuries you might suffer to your head, neck and mouth.

16 June 2020

A Dental Pain in the Nose: How to Tell If a Toothache Is Caused by Sinusitis

Dentist Blog

A toothache can leave your head ringing, especially if it reaches your ears via the trigeminal nerve that runs through your head. In this case, a toothache can cause tinnitus. However, the opposite is also true. Both your ears and your nose can cause toothaches that have nothing to do with a tooth infection. But how do you discern a sinus infection toothache from a tooth infection toothache? Study the Symptoms Carefully

30 November 2019

Tips for Readying Your Child for Their First Trip to the Dentist

Dentist Blog

A child's first step, first words and first bite of solid food are all exciting firsts for any parent. However, some firsts might not be as exciting to the child even though they are still critical to their health. An excellent example is the first trip to the dentist. If your child is ill-prepared for this visit, then they will find the trip to the dentist uncomfortable. Read on for insightful tips on how to ready your child for their first trip to the dentist.

4 November 2019

Two tips for those who have just had a dental implant inserted

Dentist Blog

Newly-fitted dental implants require quite a lot of care and attention to ensure that no complications occur as a result of their insertion, as well as to increase the chances of them fusing successfully with the bone underneath them. Below are two tips that you should keep in mind if you have just had a dental implant inserted. Avoid vigorous activities for at least a few weeks It is best to avoid participating in any vigorous activities for at least a few weeks (or even longer, if possible) after your dentist has placed an implant into your tooth socket.

23 September 2019

When Should You Seek Denture Repair or Adjustment Services?

Dentist Blog

If you are a denture wearer, you know how beneficial this innovative tooth replacement option is. You can now smile, eat and speak normally like anyone else. While dentures are designed to last many years, they aren't indestructible – proper care and maintenance are required from time to time. Dentures can get damaged as a result of accidental drops, wear and tear, or dental injuries, and it is your responsibility to make sure they are adjusted or repaired.

15 July 2019