
What Are Dental Implants?

Dentist Blog

Dental implants serve as replacements for the root of a tooth that has been removed. Sometimes the teeth are taken out by a cosmetic dentist who is working to improve the overall position of your teeth, but they can also be implanted because of common tooth decay and other reasons as well. Made from titanium, they look like little pegs that have been inserted into the gum. As such, dental implants are not the same as dental tooth fillings which go inside the tooth itself.

9 June 2022

The Dangers of Treating a Chronic Toothache Using Painkillers and DIY Treatments

Dentist Blog

Are you suffering from a persistent toothache that comes and goes at random intervals? Many people believe that getting a minor toothache from time to time is normal. Therefore, they simply take some painkillers and wait for the pain to ease. Unfortunately, a toothache is anything but normal, especially if it keeps on recurring. Painkillers and at-home treatments will only offer temporary relief and mask the underlying problem. Therefore, take note of these dangers that may arise if you fail to see a dentist.

19 April 2022

Quick Cosmetic Dentistry Fixes You Can Try

Dentist Blog

Has the time come for you to pay a little more attention to your smile? Thanks to the modern world of cosmetic dentistry, you can give your teeth an upgrade with minimal effort. While some treatments take place over a few sessions, others have instant or near-instant results. Here are some quick fixes you might want to try. Tooth Contouring If you've encountered an accident that has resulted in one or more teeth becoming uneven, you may want to try tooth contouring.

28 February 2022

5 Essential Teeth Whitening Tips

Dentist Blog

Many people long for a whiter smile but sabotage their own efforts by doing things that cause stains to build up on their teeth and not taking the actions that can remove stains. The following tips can help you to make your teeth whiter and keep them that way. 1. Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened The most effective way to get rid of dental stains is professional teeth whitening. This dentist-delivered treatment is safe and produces noticeable results.

18 January 2022

5 Advantages of Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

When considering teeth replacement options, you might be struggling to decide between dentures and dental implants. Here are a few reasons why dental implants could be the best choice for you. 1. Protect Your Teeth One of the most important reasons to get dental implants is to protect any natural teeth that you still have. It is very common for teeth to migrate after the teeth surrounding them are removed. Dentures, which you take out at night, do not provide the support needed to keep teeth in place, but dental implants perform this task very effectively.

8 November 2021

3 Common Bite Problems and How Orthodontics Can Fix Them

Dentist Blog

Your bite (also known as your dental occlusion) is the way in which your top and bottom teeth fit together and work together when eating, talking and sleeping. Unfortunately, it's relatively common to have a misaligned bite, and when you do, it can cause a lot of problems in your daily life — as well as a lack of confidence. Thankfully, it's not difficult to correct your bite with orthodontic treatment like braces, which move your teeth into their proper positions for the best possible results.

22 September 2021

3 Clear Indications That You Need to Book an Appointment with a Reputable Dentist Immediately

Dentist Blog

In an accident, you may injure your mouth and teeth. In that case, you require emergency dental treatment. Similarly, you could have a dental problem that has developed over time that seems insignificant. However, no matter how minor an issue might look, it can lead to devastating consequences if it is not treated in good time. Therefore, it is advisable to seek immediate treatment for any dental problem. This article looks at three obvious indications that it is time to visit an emergency dentist.

11 August 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Braces in Adulthood

Dentist Blog

A lot of people get braces when they are teenagers to correct the alignment of their teeth and create a straighter smile. Braces are so much a rite of passage of adolescence that some people don't even realise that you can get them as an adult. If you have never been happy with your smile, here are a few reasons why you should consider getting braces in adulthood. Lots of Adults Have Braces

8 July 2021

Different Situations When Emergency Dental Services Might Be Needed

Dentist Blog

Traditional family dental offices stay busy all the time because people always need dental cleanings and dental care. However, other types of dental offices can be surprisingly busy, too:  emergency dental offices. In fact, there are many different situations in which people rely on these dental offices, such as in the situations below. When Dealing With a Sports Injury Even though many people wear mouth guards and other forms of protection when playing sports, it is still surprisingly common for athletes to get hurt while playing sports and to find that their teeth have been affected.

24 May 2021

4 Instances When You Can Benefit From Using a Custom Mouthguard

Dentist Blog

Most people know that a mouthguard is a necessary piece of equipment for playing contact sports like rugby or Australian rules football. Mouthguards prevent costly dental injuries. But there is a big difference in the quality of protection provided by a custom mouthguard and a store-bought mouthguard. Custom mouthguards, created by dentists, are a much better option. If you are considering your mouthguard options at this time, then here are just some of the ways that a custom mouthguard can protect your and your teeth.

9 April 2021