There are many reasons to visit a dental clinic, but none provoke as much anxiety as having a tooth removed. An understanding of the procedure will go a long way towards easing your mind, so read on to learn exactly what to expect. Why does my tooth have to go? There are many reasons to have a tooth taken out, among them: Your tooth is impacted, meaning that it has grown crooked or become blocked by other teeth and can't find its way out of your gum.
21 February 2018
One of the most important functions that a dentist carries out is tooth extraction. Tooth extraction involves removing a damaged or infected tooth from the mouth for different reasons. Some of the most common reasons for a tooth extraction include a decaying tooth, infection in the bone or gums that surround the tooth, preparing for braces, or removing extra teeth in the mouth to avoid overcrowding. It's important to understand how tooth extractions are done so you can know what to expect beforehand.
24 January 2018
If you lose a filling, it's important to get to your after hours dentist as quickly as possible. However, you may not always be able to reach your dentist's office straight away. Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do to alleviate pain and discomfort whilst en route to your after hours dentist. Read on to find out what to do. Get Fast Pain Relief When you lose a filling, you may experience some significant discomfort or even serious pain.
3 January 2018