
Why Your Little Bundle of Joy Will Need Children's Dentistry

Dentist Blog

Expecting your first baby can be a thrilling experience, but one that comes with a great sense of responsibility. As a soon-to-be parent, you will want the best for your little bundle of joy and you will probably be getting plenty of advice about how you can take proper care of the child. One of the greatest sources of joy for any loving parent is seeing their child develop a gorgeous smile as they grow.

23 August 2017

Newborns and Natal Teeth: How Some Babies are Born with One or More Teeth

Dentist Blog

It is hard to imagine a newborn baby emerging into the world with teeth—but it does happen. In fact, approximately one in every 2000 to 3000 babies are born with at least one tooth. Teeth present at birth are referred to as "natal teeth" and most often appear in the lower central region of the jaw. Parents whose babies are born with natal teeth may be worried about what this means for their baby, which is understandable given the rarity of natal teeth.

31 July 2017

When Your Teeth Become Drums: 4 Convincing Reasons to Kick Your Teeth Drumming Habit

Dentist Blog

Do you have a habit of clicking and grinding your teeth together to form music in your head? Are you a better drummer with your teeth than you are with a drum kit? If so, your teeth probably help you remember old songs and even create new ones, using your molars as the bass drum and your canines as the snare drum. Even legendary musician, Dave Grohl admitted to being a tooth drummer in an interview with the magazine: Modern Drummer.

14 March 2017

Two treatment options for missing teeth

Dentist Blog

Teeth can be lost due to physical trauma or gum disease. Dentists often recommend that those who lose a tooth have it replaced as soon as possible, as a missing tooth can affect a person's bite and their speech. It may also lead to the deterioration of the jawbone and the movement of nearby teeth. Read on to learn more about two of the most common ways to replace a missing tooth.

24 February 2017

Dental Crowns 101

Dentist Blog

Dental crowns are used to provide teeth that have become damaged or crooked with an aesthetic makeover. Using a strong adhesive, the crown, which is a specially designed cap shaped like your tooth, is attached to help to correct the deformity. In order to ensure that the crown blends in with the rest of your teeth, a colour match is made before a qualified specialist crafts the crown. Prior to any operation, you'll undergo a series of consultations with your dentist who will explain the process from start to finish and discuss how dental crowns are attached.

20 December 2016

Overbites: Everything You Need to Know

Dentist Blog

An overbite is a very common problem which affects children. Around 70% of children will develop some type of overbite. However, although it is a common problem, an overbite can have a severe impact on a child's confidence and their ability to speak. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about overbites—the causes, complications and treatment options. An introduction to overbites It is entirely normal for a modern human to have a slight overbite.

9 December 2016

Pull It or Fix It: What to Do About a Bad Tooth?

Dentist Blog

If you're in pain or your tooth is starting to crumble, you need to see a dentist. It doesn't necessarily mean losing teeth, as there are options available. It's important to know all your options, which is what you'll learn right now. Can Your Tooth Be Fixed? Dentists will usually try to fix the tooth rather than extract it at first. This is less painful and will require fewer follow-up appointments, as long as you look after your teeth afterwards.

29 November 2016

Dermal Fillers - What Are They and What's Involved?

Dentist Blog

You might be considering having dermal filler treatment to remove fine lines from your face, leaving you looking younger.  Traditionally, these treatments have been carried out by cosmetic clinicians, but did you know that you could now have dermal fillers and even Botox treatments carried out by your dentist in just the time it takes to have a simple regular check-up? So what are dermal fillers and how do they work?

15 November 2016

Tips for choosing dental products

Dentist Blog

Everyone knows that in order to keep their teeth and gums in good condition, they need to brush and floss on a daily basis. However, with so many different types of products to choose from, it can be tricky to determine which ones are most suitable for your individual dental needs. Read on for some advice on how to choose the right toothbrush and floss. Toothbrush If you have very sensitive teeth, or are currently suffering from gingivitis, it is generally recommended that you use a soft-bristled brush, as this will enable you to remove plaque without irritating your gum line and causing bleeding or an increase in sensitivity.

20 October 2016

Five Very Cheap Methods to Remove Plaque From Your Teeth on Your Own

Dentist Blog

When plaque starts to form on your teeth, you can typically see it. It looks like yellowish crust or lines along your teeth. The most effective way to remove plaque is through a professional cleaning at your dentist's office, but there are ways that you can start to tackle the plaque while you are at home. Even if you hardly have any money, you can start to address plaque with these cheap ideas:

29 September 2016