Can It Wait Till Monday? When To Seek Emergency Dental Care

Dentist Blog

Dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly and cause you pain and anxiety out of the blue. In such situations, it's crucial to know when to seek immediate care from an emergency dentist—and when you can save time, money and stress by waiting until you can secure a standard appointment. This article aims to help you navigate the decision-making process and determine whether your dental issue requires urgent attention.

Signs You Should Visit an Emergency Dentist

While dental problems can vary in severity, certain signs indicate the need for immediate dental care. Here are three instances when you should definitely go to an emergency dentist:

  1. Intense Dental Pain: If you experience sudden and severe dental pain, especially if it persists or worsens, it's a clear indication to seek immediate care. Dental pain can be a sign of underlying issues, such as a dental abscess, infection or injury that require prompt attention.

  2. Dental Trauma: In cases of a knocked-out tooth or a tooth fully broken, immediate dental intervention is necessary. These are all problems that should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage and potential complications, such as a loosening or weakening of your surrounding teeth.

  3. Unexplained Swelling or Abscess: Swelling in the mouth or the presence of an abscess is a cause for concern. It may indicate an infection that requires immediate treatment. An abscess can be accompanied by pain, fever and a foul taste in the mouth. Seeking emergency dental care is crucial to prevent the infection from spreading and causing further complications.

Assessing the Urgency of Your Dental Issue

In situations that don't fall into the three aforementioned categories, it's important to assess the urgency of your dental issue. Consider the following factors:

  1. Severity of Discomfort: Evaluate the level of discomfort you're experiencing. While mild discomfort or sensitivity may be manageable until your next standard appointment, severe or persistent discomfort may require immediate attention.

  2. Impact on Daily Activities: Assess how the dental issue affects your daily activities and quality of life. If the problem significantly hinders your ability to eat, speak or perform routine tasks, it may necessitate immediate dental care.

  3. Risk of Complications: Consider the potential risks and complications associated with delaying treatment. Some dental issues, if left untreated, can worsen over time and lead to more extensive and costly procedures.

Knowing when to seek immediate dental care from an emergency dentist is crucial for maintaining oral health and managing dental emergencies effectively. By recognising the signs that warrant immediate attention, such as intense dental pain, dental trauma and unexplained swelling or abscess, you can make informed decisions about seeking emergency care that respects your health and your bank balance equally.

For more info, contact a local emergency dentist


20 July 2023

Dental Care and Seniors: Helping to Maintain Your Smile

As you age, it can become harder to take care of your teeth. Motor challenges can make it hard to floss, while memory issues may make it easy to overlook brushing. Whether you are a senior looking for solutions to some of the common dental problems or a senior with specific questions about cavities or oral surgery, you have come to the right place. In this blog, I am going to touch on a range of topics related to seniors and oral health. This is the type of resource I wish my mum would have had access to in her senior years, and I hope you enjoy having access to it during yours. I appreciate you reading my posts.